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How To Reduce Belly Fat 

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn fat and it is extremely necessary to know how to reduce belly fat. Overweight does not necessarily means unhealthy.There are actually many people who are overweight but are in a good health. 

This is because the fat under the skin is not actually a very big problem. Actually it’s the fat in the abdomen which is known as belly fat, is the cause of all problem. If you have an excess of fat around your waistline and you weigh less, then you should take steps to get rid of that excess fat. You can measure belly fat by measuring the circumference around your waist. Just use a simple tape measure.

More than 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women, more than that is considered as obesity.
There are proven techniques by which you can reduce your fat in the belly area more. You will learn the best way to get rid of belly fat and many other proven techniques that work.   

How To Reduce Body Fat

How To Reduce Body Fat is one of the most asked questions because everyone knows this is the key to looking the best. Mostly all celebrities that you see and idolize have somehow achieved this goal. People get motivated by watching them and hit the gym and does everything to get that kind of body but mostly fails and then they start thinking is that even possible or is it only possible for the celebrities. The truth is it is possible for everybody, the key to this is consistency. First you need to have a bodybuilding workout plan and diet plan that works and then you need to follow it as per the plan. Remember creating the body of your dreams is not an overnight process it takes time patience and effort then sooner or later you will create the body of dreams.

We always see the result, not the hard work that's behind it. Because of this very reason we suffer from frustration and then finally give up. 

From today onwards make it a goal that you are not going to quit but just keep trying and then you will succeed because effort always pays. In order to reduce body fat fast, you need to follow a proper dieting plan so here is easy to follow dieting plan not a chart although and what else to do reduce besides dieting which gives the answer to your question how to reduce body fat?

  • Keep a close look at your daily calorie intake by searching about it on the internet.
  • Reduce unnecessary calorie intake by stopping the intake of that food that doesn't serve you like cold drinks and others.
  • Avoid food containing saturated fat and trans fat like typical snacks (like chips etc), fast food, various pastries etc because these fat doesn't serve you rather they stored in your waistline creating stubborn belly fat.
  • Do cardiovascular exercises like jogging, skipping, walking, swimming, sprinting etc. Do any exercise or a mixture of all the exercises by providing 15-20 mins per exercise.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Take 5-6 small meal rather than taking 3 big meals. Doing this will keep your metabolism to its optimum thus making your system a fat burning furnace.

Here is an example of core building exercise that will help you to reduce body fat fast. Try it out for yourself and see it's effectiveness.

                                                   *I don't own this video

How To Lose Belly Fat For Women, Why Belly Fat Is Dangerous, Why You Need To Burn It And Why Exercises Fail Sometimes

As Men So Are Women. Women can reduce their belly fat by doing the same thing as Men do. Here is the list:

  • Going To the Gym: By going to the gym and by following proper dieting women can have a lean body with visible abs and muscles and make them look sexy. Nowadays women are extremely concerned about their health so more and more women can be seen in gyms nowadays. Doing 1 hr of gym 5 days a week, followed by proper dieting plan is enough to create the body of your dreams. Drink plenty of water because your body comprises of 60% water, reducing that level can lead to many problems.
  • Doing Cardiovascular Exercises: Cardiovascular exercises like jogging, walking, swimming is highly effective in reducing belly fat. Doing this exercises for 25 minutes per day for 4-5 days a week is enough to reduce body fat super fast.
  • Following A Diet: Following a proper diet can reduce your body fat to a huge level and it goes hand on hand exercises. Your food must be rich in both micronutrients like vitamins and mineralsmacronutrients like protein, fat (good one) and other essential nutrients like essential fatty acids and essential amino acids.

Ok now here is the reason why belly fat is dangerous and why you need to burn it and why exercises fail sometimes. When you have belly fat your jeans feel extra snug, but there is more to it. When you have belly fat and when it expands deep within your organ it can lead to serious health issues.

This type of fat is called visceral fat which generates stress hormones like cortisol and cytokines that prevent the body from producing insulin. Thus besides obesity, there is a risk of having type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You need to burn those stubborn belly fat before they are stored inside your abdomen and for that you need to do proper exercise and check your calorie intake on a daily basis. Women gain weight due to various factors other than laziness and overeating those are childbirth, menstruation problem and for various hormonal imbalances. Childbirth is one the most significant cause for gaining weight, many women start gaining weight after child birth due to various hormonal changes. 

Menstruation problems can also increase weight, menstruation problem like amenorrhea(abnormal absence of menstruation), oligomenorrhea(infrequent period), anovulation(absence of ovulation), menorrhagia(heavy or long period) all of them can increase your weight significantly even when you are exercising or dieting or both. You need to consult a doctor for these health issues. 

Hormonal changes that occur due to various operations that a women undergoes can also increase weight uncontrollably. Uterus operation is one such operation, this kind of operation create massive hormonal imbalances and thus can increase your weight significantly. 

What to do then?

The good news is that all these problems can be solved with proper treatment, medications, proper exercise, and dieting. These are the lethal combos that can reduce your weight significantly and also burn your stubborn belly fat. There are millions of example on the internet that show significant evidence that it is possible even when having all the above-mentioned problems. They are the motivators for change.

Note: Consult the doctor before trying this training program if you have any of the above-mentioned problems. This program contains series of intense exercises which can be harmful if you have any of the above-mentioned problems.

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